This is a gpsd server located someplace. The hardware is a UPUtronic GPS, RPi 5. This machine is maintained by Steve G6UIM.


A filled shape means the satellite was used in the last fix.
Green-yellow-red colors indicate signal to noise ratio in dBHz
green=best, yellow=fair, red=worst, blue=less than 10 degrees, and black=SNR less than 10.
Circles are GPS and QZSS satellites.
Diamonds indicate augmentation (SBAS, WAAS, etc.) satellites.
Triangles pointing up are Galileo satellites.
Triangles pointing down are BeiDou satellites.
Squares are GLONASS satellites.

Fix Data
Fix Type3D Fix
Fix StatusDGPS Fix
Leap Seconds18
Latitude50.4097196 ° ±1.207 m
Longitude-3.5691926 ° ±1.734 m
Altitude HAE134.093 m ±0.98 m
Altitude MSL84.418 m
Geoid Separation51.229 m
Speed0.005 m/s ±3.47 m/s
Climb-0.036 m/s ±1.95 m/s
velN-0.004 m/s
velE-0.001 m/s
velD0.036 m/s
Track True136.4286 ° 
Track Magnetic197.1847 °
Magnetic Variation-1.2 °
Dilution of Precision
GDOP 1.06
HDOP 0.56
PDOP 0.95
TDOP 0.46
XDOP 0.32
YDOP 0.46
VDOP 0.77
Error Estimates
epc 1.95 m/s
eph 0.799 m
eps 3.47 m/s
ept0.005 s
epx 1.207 m
epy 1.734 m
epv 0.98 m
sep 5.276 m
ecef pAcc 1.26 m
ecef vAcc 0.16 m
Seen 38      Used 23
PRN ElvAzm SNRUsed
GP1157 270 48 Y 
GP2263 282 48 Y 
GP3321 210 42 Y 
GP8859 154 49 Y 
GP101031 50 48 Y 
GP141428 304 43 Y 
GP1717307 33 Y 
GP212184 344 43 Y 
GP222217 322 38 Y 
GP272725 138 45 Y 
GP323230 91 48 Y 
GA730723 53 44 Y 
GA2432441 282 46 Y 
GA2632622 77 38 Y 
GA3133133 215 43 Y 
GA3333372 55 48 Y 
BD1141171 95 44 Y 
BD1241217 107 41 Y 
BD1341344 38 Y 
BD2142145 69 49 Y 
BD2242231 45 Y 
BD2342311 247 31 Y 
BD2842818 291 29 Y 
SB1203331 195 0 N 
SB1233627 146 44 N 
SB1274011 115 0 N 
SB1364932 169 40 N 
GA1031023 265 0 N 
GA1231247 269 0uN 
GA1631628 311 44uN 
GA18318131 39uN 
GA19319151 0 N 
GA23323178 0uN 
GA2532512 329 0 N 
GA2932924 111 43 N 
BD540510 111 0 N 
BD840840 21 N 
BD1441427 173 29 N 
Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF)
Position 4065033.05 m-253555.9 m 4892061.92 m ±1.26 m
Velocity 0 m/s0 m/s 0.01 m/s ±0.16 m/s

This script is distributed by the GPSD project.